Youth Sunday School
Sundays 9:00 AM Family Life Center

Youth Classes are divided into Jr. High & Sr. High with classes branching off for each grade.

The Whole Truth for the Whole Student

When it comes to teenagers, don’t avoid the truth. Don’t sugarcoat it. Explore the Bible: Students helps you present teens with God’s Word, allowing for honest and transparent conversations around the Bible as teens learn how these ancient words speak into their lives today. 

Know More Scripture

Your teens will study the Bible book by book at a pace and learning style that understands their unique stage of life.  

Break Down Barriers

Many teens find the Bible to be dated, weird, or even offensive. By studying God’s Word in context, your teens will learn to see the truth and beauty in all Scripture. 

Live God’s Word

When the truth takes hold of a student’s heart, Explore the Bible is there to help them learn how to speak that truth to the world around them.